On the



John in Jordan

Below follows a slightly revised column I wrote in 2014 at the time of the Hamas intrusion into Israel. I repeated it in 2017 in view of the anti-Semitic resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, orchestrated by the outgoing Obama Administration and the disturbing anti-Israel speech by John Kerry. I repeated it again in 2018 in the face of the Hamas riots regarding the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. Noticing the continuing appeasement themes of the American ‘liberal left’ and its cohorts in Europe, it seems many still don’t see Hamas is mistreating its people by throwing them into the line of fire.

Now, for the umpteenth time, Hamas, seeing the weakness and biased position of the new Biden Administration, retreating to the former Obama anti-Israel policy and thus trying to destroy whatever President Trump successfully achieved in the Middle East, we are repeating this blog again in 2021.

The UN and the American left are generally biased when it deals with Israel.  Jerusalem was from millennia times in Jewish hands and was overrun by Arabs when Islam emerged in 630. The Holocaust was instrumental in assuring the Jews a State of their own in 1948. Jerusalem became “Arab” in 1949 when Jordan’s King Husain’s superior army overpowered the then still small Israeli army and annexed the Jewish capital.  Israel took it back in the 1967 six-day war.  The UN Security Council condemned this in the famous Resolution 242 which required Israel to “withdraw from the territories occupied in the recent conflict.”

ENCHANTÉ  has Palestinian and Islamic friends. We sometimes agree to disagree but remain good friends. At a personal level, it works. At the political level, the Israeli-Arab conflict seems insoluble. Much is due to the anti-Israel media of the West, but also American and European anti-Semitic political forces. (more…)




Below follows a slightly revised column I wrote in 2014 at the time of the Hamas intrusion into Israël. I repeated it in 2017 in view of the anti-semitic resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, orchestrated by the outgoing Obama Administration and the disturbing anti-Israël speech by John Kerry. I repeated it again in 2018 in the face of the Hamas riots regarding the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. Noticing the continuing appeasement themes of the American ‘liberal left’ and its cohorts in Europe, it seems many still don’t see Hamas is mistreating its people by throwing them into the line of fire. Now, for the umpteenth time, Hamas, seeing the weakness and biased position of the new Biden Administration, retreating to the former Obama anti-Israel policy and thus trying to destroy whatever President Trump successfully achieved in the Middle East, we are repeating this blog again in 2021.

The UN and the American left are generally biased when it deals with Israël.  Jerusalem was from millennia times in Jewish hands and was overrun by Arabs when Islam emerged in 630. The Holocaust was instrumental in assuring the Jews a State of their own in 1948. Jerusalem became “Arab” in 1949 when Jordan’s King Husain’s superior army overpowered the then still small Israëli army and annexed the Jewish capital.  Israël took it back in the 1967 six-day war.  The UN Security Council condemned this in the famous Resolution 242 which required Israël to “withdraw from the territories occupied in the recent conflict.”

ENCHANTÉ  has Palestinian and Islamic friends. We sometimes agree to disagree but remain good friends. At a personal level, it works. At the political level, the Israeli-Arab conflict seems insoluble. Much is due to the anti-Israël media of the West, but also American and European anti-Semitic political forces. (more…)

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