Mars Man at Mars City TV.

On Mars, all lives matter. Watching Mother Earth from Mars City TV, we see disturbing, disparaging, and worrisome scenes.  I noticed a substantial uptick in readers of my blog “Black Lives Matter White Lives Don’t” published five years ago on July 18. 2015:




That blog concerned the insidious murder of Kathryn Steinle in California, a beautiful young caucasian girl shot down by a deranged illegal immigrant who had jumped the border five times before and managed to get back, due to the lax Obama immigration and sanctuary city rules. The idiot was not even charged with murder because the bullet had “ricocheted.” There you go, your leftist rule of “public safety” at work.

Five years later, I am saddened to see America tumbling down further to the reign of neanderthalers. More riots, looting, burning buildings and shops, and wild protesting, overpowering the justified protests about the killing by a policeman, in plain view, of a black man in custody on the street by kneeling on his neck till he died of asphyxiation. Just creeping out of the stronghold of COVED-19, America got thrown into a horrid scene of racial hatred by the stupid act of one white policeman. It was what your cliché calls it: a double whammy.

I had sent my wife Kathryn and our two sons to a Caribbean island with their private teachers to escape the misery of COVED-19. Now I told them to stay put and not to come back to Nebraska, even though that is one of the more sensible states in America, until the country is brought back to its senses. But by whom? I had hoped President Trump would take drastic measures to reign in the increasingly terrifying drive of the growing leftist mobs, but democrat governors don’t have the spine, and at the Federal level a President can only do so much to protect public safety with everybody left yelling and screaming at him. Even artificial mob states were created in Seatle, and the police chased out of what they call euphemistically “autonomous zones.” Where are the Republican leaders in the Senate and the House, to put a stop to this? Are they afraid they won’t be re-elected and lose their coveted lifestyle? Where are the heroes? Is your senator Scott from South Carolina the only one?



David Dorn – Fox News.com



Rioters killed David Dorn, a retired black police officer, while he was trying to protect a pawn shop in St. Louis. Where were the protesters protesting against this murder? Nowhere. David Dorn was “not black enough” because he probably voted Republican (one of your backward Biden mantras).  Many of your policemen and women protecting property and citizens were seriously injured by the mobs. Don’t all lives matter? Is your left interested at all in maintaining public safety?

Clearly, history is full of glaring examples of great powers disappearing due to weakening leadership, internal division, greed, mob rule, and declining values: Athens, the Roman Empire, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Empire, The British Empire, and soon, the United States of America, once the leader of inventions, the industrial power, launching the technical, internet and digital revolutions, and then: falling in disarray by the decay of values, racial segregation, and social distress smothering it all.

Historians call it the transient character of the human condition and political order. “Sooner or later, all things come to an end…All states and nations, however great, bloom for a season and are replaced.” (Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies – 2012, Pinguin Books).  Looking at the American scene, it affirms the truism. Protests and riots completely overshadowed its newest advance in space, launching its new manned spacecraft to the international space station and back.

The strange phenomenon of applying double standards in the judgment of facts is another sign of declining values: mob rule is fine, as long as it supports leftist ideals purported by your broad leftist media and your inside-rotting democrat party. The mob does not have to use anti-COVED-19 masks, but a Republican rally must. Historians may say that the transient nature of the human condition in the U.S. follows from its changing demographics due to immigration, and the invasion of leftist teachers at high schools, colleges and universities, some financed by Chinese sources, poisoning the young with their values of government dependency, socialist mantras on free goods, and anti-religious speech.

It depends on how America reassesses itself in the November elections. If the left wins, it’s the end of the U.S. as we knew it. But even if President Trump is re-elected and the Republican Party maintains the Senate, it is only a matter of time until the decline of your nation reaches full speed. “Keep America Great” and “Law and Order” sound pretty hollow at this moment. The current turmoil has dragged down much of America’s greatness in the eyes of the world. At some stage, the so-called Democratic Party will gain full majority and then – rest assured – the transient process to Neanderthal will swallow America. If enough of you don’t want that, rise up, get your acts together, and stop that from happening. If too many of  you don’t give a damn:

Good-bye USA.





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